Friday, 18 February 2011

Music Video

Artist: My bubba & Mi
Track: Apple Spell
Be sure to watch in 720p HD!

Magazine Advert for Digipak

Digipak: Front, Back & Inside

My Bubba & Mi digipak which consists of picture front and back, opening up into a three panel format. The inside holds a page for the CD, a page for the DVD and another third page which has a brown envelope; inside being the digipak booklet (the booklet shown below). The page which is mid-way in the digipak opening has a contents style format to inform the customer/fan what they'll find inside and what the booklet content.

Digipak Booklet

The digipak booklet consists of a simple, easy-read guide to the band; an introduction, lyrics to the songs on the CD and snapshots from the music video "Apple Spell".

Saturday, 12 February 2011

After filming/shooting the majority of my music video I realised there were too many photos for the song I had planned to use throughout ("Gone"). Even if I did use Gone the speed of the photos would be too fast for the rhythm of the song and the effect would be ruined. Because I couldn't pinpoint any sections of the video I wanted to delete, I decided to change the song but keep the same artist. The song I am now using is called Apple Spell and has a simular morbid vibe to it, matching the pace of the pictures and stopmotion ideally. Here are the lyrics and timings of Apple Spell and some of my planning/checklists for the editing and putting together of the photographs.